Using web video cast app watch movie in android phone on android tv

A note:
Videos in a website cannot be cast properly on android tv using web video cast app. Web video cast app is waste for that purpose. Web video cast app can be used to cast downloaded videos in android phone on android tv.

Consider you have a movie in android phone. You want to watch the movie in your android phone on android tv in your home.
How can you do this?

Way 1- pendrive:
Buy a pen drive and a otg cable. Transfer the movie from android phone to pen drive. Insert the pendrive in android tv's usb port. In android tv's playstore download vlc media player or MX player. Now open vlc media player or MX player on android tv. Watch the movie(with subtitles) on android tv from the inserted pendrive on that android tv. Also you can use other options available in those video player apps.

Way 2- casting:
Via casting method available in android phone you can cast the movie playing on android phone's screen on android tv's screen. 2 drawbacks are present in this casting method. 

Drawback One:
You cannot do other works in android phone while the movie video is casting on android tv from android phone. If you do only what you do in android phone will be cast on android tv. So, movie which is playing will be interrupted.

Drawback two:
Even if the movie is in 720p or in 1080p in android phone the video casting on android tv will have low pixel. It will not have clarity.

So, don't use casting method.

Way 3- web video cast app:
Cast movie video in android phone on android tv using below said 2 apps.

Download web video cast app by instantbits inc from play store in android phone.

Download web video caster receiver app by instantbits inc from play store in android tv(not in android phone). If you can't find play store in android tv, say 'play store' in mike in remote control.
Or try by saying 'web video caster receiver' in mike in remote control.

If you are going to use internet data in your phone to cast movie video in android phone on android tv do these.
Turn on internet data.
Web video cast will work even if you turn in vpn. If it doesn't work turn off vpn. Usually, while casting, it is better to turn off vpn.
Turn on hotspot in android phone.
Turn on wifi in android tv.

If you are going to use Wi-Fi modem do this...turn on Wi-Fi in modem device...turn on wifi in android phone...turn on wifi in android tv...note that wifi in android phone must be the same as the wifi in android tv...
Turn off vpn if you have turned it on.

Then open web video cast app in android phone and open web video caster receiver app in android tv. Click cast icon in web video cast app to connect android phone with web video caster receiver app in android tv. Follow what it says to connect them.
Then, go into the file folder available in web video cast app in android phone. Find your movie. Click it. It will play on android tv.

While clicking cast icon in web video cast app don't choose living room tv's chrome cast in-built...choose only web video caster receiver app...

Pluses of choosing web video caster receiver app in android tv instead of choosing living room tv's chrome cast in-built:
If you cast movie video in android phone on web video cast receiver app in android tv there are some pluses.
- embedded subtitles in the movie video can be made to appear on the movie playing on android tv.
- if the movie has multiple audios you can change all audios among them.
- also only if you cast on web video  caster receiver movie will be played without any problem.

Buy premium web video cast app instead of using free web video cast app:

You can watch movie freely using web video cast app. But, many advertisements will come and make you to irritate. So, buy web video cast app in android phone for Indian rupees 250..lifetime validity...(You don't need to buy web video caster receiver app in android tv separately...these 2 apps are actually a single pair)...if you wait for some days web video cast app will give discount upto indian rupees 95 with lifetime validity for the must without disturbance of advertisements...also in premium web video cast app you can have additional features like playlist option, recently opened files, bookmarks etc...

Last 2 notes:

1. If you buy this app using money and email will be sent to your email address from the app developer. Save that email. Don't miss to save that email.

2. Also, do this 
Go to settings.
Click app management.
Click app list.
Click web video cast.
Click battery.
Allow battery usage in background without restrictions.

Click back.

Then click permissions.
Allow music and audio
Allow photos and videos.
